Ceramic Rings Vs Bio Balls: Which Should You Use?

Based on my research, ceramic rings and bio balls are different in water flow, appearance, and overall surface area. On top of that, ceramic rings are ceramic-based, while the bio balls incorporate plastic as a primary material.

To be specific, there is no definite winner between these two. Because both media are good at what they do.

But depending on your preference and aquarium settings, you need to choose one. To help you be decisive, I will draw a detailed comparison right here!

Overview of Ceramic Rings

Ceramic rings are considered a water filtration medium. But they are simpler in design for the added porous surface and two holes.

As they have bigger external sides, ceramic rings take less than two weeks to form the bacteria. 

Plus, I really liked their unglazed build material. The ceramic ring does not shine, so it will not trigger the fish at night.

And yes, these bio rings also supply oxygen to the water along with water purification.


  • Features denitrification to fix lethal compounds.
  • Durable if maintained correctly. 
  • Have a larger surface to make a bigger bacterial colony. 
  • Simple to set up.
  • Balances water oxygen level. 


  • Prone to water clogging.
  • Expensive a bit. 

Overview of Bio Balls

Unlike ceramic rings, bio balls are plastic-made aquarium filter media. Specifically, they are cleansing balls with grooves and holes in their external bodies.

Bio balls flow water through them and build colonies of good bacteria to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in the water. 

Once you place them inside the fish tank or filter, these will start breaking down the water substances. And gradually, these media make the water fresh and safe for the fish!


  • Constant water flow for filtration. 
  • Ideal for cleansing 55-gallon fish tanks and beyond.
  • Lightweight to handle. 
  • Starts producing good bacteria in 2 weeks. 
  • Cheaper in price. 


  • Not durable.
  • Fish can munch on these bio media. 

Similarities between Ceramic Rings and Bio Balls

As both bio balls and ceramic rings are engineered for water purification, they are prone to share a few characteristics. And these are as follows:

  • Both ceramic and ball rings can grow nitrifying bacteria. 
  • Each of them starts water purification once placed.
  • These media have holes for better water circulation. 
  • Used bio and ceramic rings can also work like new ones. 

Quick Comparison Chart of Ceramic Rings and Bio Balls 

Even though both bio balls and ceramic rings are of biofiltration media, their specs and features vary. Hence, these are not suitable for the same tanks and preferences. Let’s get to see the comparison chart to get familiar with their differences at a glance:

CriteriaBio BallsCeramic Rings
SizeUsually largerSmaller
Surface/External BodyNonporous and smaller surface areaPorous and bigger
Water FlowConstant flowMay clog water
Build QualityMostly plasticCeramic-based

Differences between Ceramic Rings and Bio Balls

Even though ceramic rings and bio balls have the same purpose of filtering the water of your fish tanks, they are different in build quality. On top of that, they have varying features, specs, and benefits. Here, I have described the varieties in detail below:

Shape and Size

Let’s start with the ceramic rings, which are smaller in size than the bio balls. Whereas, the former is cylindrical in shape with two holes at the bottom and the top. Hence, they look like rings. Some claimed these to be like small tissue rolls. 

On the other side, the bio balls are bigger in size, and they have an asymmetrical shape. This means they have irregularly shaped lines and holes across their body. 

Due to the small size, the ceramic rings perfectly fit into small tanks and bowls. And for larger aquarium filters, the bio balls are the ideal fit.

Water Flow

As the bio balls have numerous holes, the water passes through easily. And the waste and substances do not stick or pile up in them. Hence, these balls tend to keep the maximum amount of the water free from ammonia and nitrite.

In contrast, the ceramic rings are porous. They basically have uneven surfaces that can clog the water flow and other substances. Even some low-quality rings can absorb the aquarium sand.

However, if you buy rings made of high-end ceramic that has an even texture, you are allowed to use them.

Surface Area

Ceramic rings do not have many cuts and holes to them. Thereby, they have a bigger surface area. 

On the contrary, as the bio balls have holes, it takes away their surface. So, their body or surface area is much smaller compared to the former. If you ask me what differences surface area makes, I’d say it determines bacterial growth. 

Let me clarify, more surface means more room for storing or holding good bacteria. These bacteria aid in removing toxic elements from contaminated water. So yes, ceramic rings cleanse the water better. 

Ceramic Rings vs Bio Balls: Which Should You Use?

Once you explore the specs and features of both bio balls and ceramic rings, it seems more challenging to choose a single one. Because both serve their unique benefits.

So, for your convenience, I have listed down the buying factors that can help you choose the best one:


Denitrification refers to removing the toxic nitrite level from water to keep your fish safe from diseases. And if this is your main concern, I highly vouch for using ceramic rings. Because their bigger external surface holds more bacteria than the bio balls. 

More bacteria means they can prevent toxic ammonia and nitrite levels from going up in the best way possible.

And if you have numerous species in the tank, they will produce more waste that can increase ammonia. So, for better denitrification, rings are better for aquariums with more than 5 fishes. 

Also, if you tend to overfeed your fish, it can result in a lot of uneaten food. These can rot and produce extreme ammonia.

So, if you cannot fix the feeding frequency, go for ceramic ring filtration, thanks to their excellent ability to handle massive waste!


Without a doubt, durable filtration objects ensure the water remains fresh for an extended period. So, if you prefer long-lasting ones, ceramic rings can be an optimal go-to! For being made of ceramic, they can last more than 6 years!

As you know, the bio balls are made of plastic. Such materials are prone to cracks and tears. What I find worst is, aggressive fish species or fish with fins can nibble on these balls. It not only reduces the quality of the bio balls but affects the overall fish health as well.

Cost and Usability

For the filtration to work, you need to submerge the rings in the water. But here, I found no such rule for using the bio balls!

So, once the rings are above water level for some reason, they will not work. Considering that, I will recommend using bio media. Also, for saving some bucks, the latter is a wise bet!


Ceramic rings vs bio balls is a constant topic of debate among fish keepers who want to purify their fish tanks.

Before you decide which one to use, set your preference list first. Based on how dirty the water gets and how many fish you have, you may need to reconsider your decision.

Still, if you cannot pick one, I’d suggest trying both of these media. Yes, there is nothing wrong with using both without any risk.