Do Fish Tanks Attract Mosquitos (And Other Pests)?

Fish tanks can be an attraction point for mosquitoes if they still have water that has no movement at all. It can become their perfect breeding place since they like to breed in still water. As a result, they will be attracted to fish tanks for breeding.

Regardless of whether this is a big issue, it’s something you would want to avoid. So, let’s get ahead and check out some ways you can prevent your fish tank from attracting mosquitoes.

Do Fish Tanks Attract Mosquitos?

Mosquitoes love water with no flow because it’s a suitable habitat for mosquito pupae and larvae.

These two are the middle and most crucial stages of their metamorphosis process. So, if you have a fish tank with zero water flow, it might attract mosquitoes.

Not every fish tank will attract mosquitoes. Several factors play a role in drawing the mosquitoes towards the fish tank. Let’s take a look at those factors that attract mosquitoes to a fish tank.

The appeal of still water

First of all, a key factor that attracts mosquitoes is water with no flow. Mosquitoes go through the whole breeding process on the water’s surface.

With moving water, they can easily drown, and their whole life cycle gets disrupted.

Female mosquitoes typically lay eggs in containers with still water. From there, the life cycle of a mosquito begins.

The egg hatches on the water’s surface, and the larva emerges; then, it turns into a pupa after a while. Nothing of this would be possible if the water was moving.

That’s why mosquitoes prefer to be in still water, as it best suits their breeding requirements.

Warm temperature

You may have noticed mosquitoes tend to thrive in the warmer months, and that’s because they love warm temperatures.

Also, their larvae and pupa rapidly grow in warmer and humid conditions. Mosquitoes prefer water temperatures around 24 to 30 degrees Celsius.

So, if you have a fish tank prepared for fish who prefer this kind of water temperature, it may attract mosquitoes.

Body heat and carbon-di-oxide

Fish tank water can contain a decent amount of carbon-di-oxide which is attractive for mosquitoes.

In fact, female mosquitoes have special nerves to detect the presence of carbon-di-oxide. Carbon-di-oxide is necessary for female mosquitoes as they require blood for egg production.

Along with the carbon-di-oxide in water, there is also body heat from fish in the water.

Mosquitoes also love body heat which makes the surroundings warmer. A fish tank with such conditions can easily attract mosquitoes.

Why Mosquitos Can Be A Problem For Fish Tanks?

Here’s the thing, mosquitoes don’t pose a threat to your fish directly until they are all grown up. It means mosquitoes simply laying eggs in the tank water doesn’t harm the fish in any way.

However, having mosquitoes in the fish tank isn’t good either. Below are some risks that can come with mosquitoes in a fish tank.

Adult mosquitoes can bite.

Typically, the female mosquitoes laying eggs in the fish tank water aren’t harmful to the fish.

In fact, some fishes enjoy eating mosquito larvae. However, if the mosquitoes grow up, there is a chance that they will start biting the fish.

Female mosquitoes bite humans and animals to fulfill their protein needs which they use later on for breeding.

Of course, mosquitoes sucking on the fish’s blood isn’t good for your fish. So, this can be a problem with mosquitoes in your fish tank.

They transmit fatal diseases.

Another danger with mosquitoes is that they can carry fatal diseases that can be life-threatening for your fish. For example, malaria, dengue, chikungunya, West Nile, etc.

Not only will they transmit diseases to fish, but if they get to breed in the fish tank, your house will also fill with mosquitoes. Once that happens, you will be at risk of getting those diseases.

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitos In Fish Tank

Fortunately, there are several easy ways out there that you can use to get rid of mosquitoes in your fish tank.

You can try whichever fits your preferences and options the best. Let’s check them out quickly.

Create movement in the water.

One of the most effective and easiest solutions for you is to create water movement to prevent it from going stagnant.

If there is movement in the water, the mosquito’s life cycle gets disrupted as the larvae drown.

You can increase the water movement using hob filters, bubblers, and spray bars. No matter what you use, make sure the water surface always has some sort of movement.

Get some mosquito dunks.

Mosquito dunks are another good way to clear out the mosquito larvae from your fish tank.

It’s a kind of larvicide that kills the mosquito larvae before they can grow up and become adults. There is some guidance to using mosquito dunks.

First, depending on your tank size, you must get the right amount. Then, follow the instructions from the mosquito dunk manufacturers.

Bring in some larvae-eating fish.

Introducing some larvae-eating fish is a great way to get rid of mosquitoes from your fish tank. We will talk about such fishes in a bit.

Getting larvae to eat fish is always helpful because you won’t have to use chemicals or buy expensive tools. Also, you just have more fish in your tank; that’s always great, no?

Change the water

Since mosquitoes lay eggs on the water’s surface and the larvae also live in the water, changing water can also be a solution. You can simply do a regular water change as you would generally do.

However, having something that creates constant water movement is still better. Otherwise, you always risk having still water and attracting mosquitoes.

Use chemical larvicides

If all fails, chemical larvicides are the only way to kill those annoying mosquito larvae in your fish tank. You can use either methoprene or pyriproxyfen to treat larvae in your fish tank.

However, choose this as the last resort because it can harm your fish and the tank environment. Also, before using such chemicals, go through detailed research.

Types Of Fish For Mosquito Control

Getting fish that can eat mosquito larvae is one of the most natural solutions to eliminate mosquitoes from your fish tank.

Here are some fishes that you can include in your fish tank for mosquito control –

  • Mosquitofish
  • Guppies
  • Goldfish
  • Bass
  • Tilapia
  • Catfish
  • Minnow
  • Koi Carp
  • Bluegills
  • Rice fish
  • Zebra Danios

Tips For Preventing Mosquito Infestations In Fish Tanks

While you can easily eliminate mosquitoes in your fish tanks, it’s even better to prevent them.

Check out these tips you can follow to prevent mosquito infestation in your fish tank –

  • Keep mosquitoes out of the fish tank using a mosquito net cover.
  • Make sure the outside of your house doesn’t still have water sources.
  • Properly maintain your fish tank in regulation
  • Take out any unnecessary vegetation like algae.


Finishing things off, you know how fish tanks attract mosquitoes and what you can do about it. It’s pretty simple: if you neglect your fish tank and do not use it at all, it can attract mosquitoes.

But mosquitoes will never be an issue if the fish tank is active and has moving water all the time. So, make sure you are using the right tools for that.