Do Fish Tanks Attract Roaches? Things You Must Know!

As unfortunate as it may sound, the fact is that fish tanks do attract roaches. However, the fish tank itself does not attract roaches; rather, it might serve as a food source, shelter, or humid environment that creates a favorable place for roaches to congregate around fish tanks or even get inside them.

So, seeing a bunch of roaches around it or inside the fish tank will surely drive you mad.

This unappealing scenery can make you wonder why fish tanks attract cockroaches and how to get rid of them. This article might help you get out of this trouble.

Why Do Roaches Attract to Your Fish Tank?

Well you already have the short answer to your question. let us get into the details what makes it a favorite place for roaches to hang out.

Moisture & Humidity

Cockroaches are fond of moist and damp places. High humidity and moisture in the atmosphere allow roaches to have a good internal metabolism required for their survival.

Fish tanks are a constant source of water. Water spills, condensation, vapor, etc create a comparatively humid area surrounding the fish tanks.

Heaters, filters, fish tank pumps, etc play a vital role in making the surroundings moist and ideal for roaches seeking shelter.

Moreover, physical causes such as cracks and leaks in the fish tank make the area damp, inviting roaches into its surroundings.

Warmth and Heat

Although roaches hate light they thrive on heat and warmth. Optimal temperature enhances the metabolic activity of roaches as they are cold-blooded insects.

Furthermore, roaches prefer heated areas for faster development and reproduction. Fish tanks have a lot of heat sources such as bulbs, water heaters for temperature control, filters, pumps, and other electronics.

All these increase the temperature surrounding the fish tank. As a result, roaches get attracted to fish tanks making an optimal habitat.

Leftover Fish Food

Food is the primary objective of roaches and they look for it for survival. Fish tanks are a great source of food leftovers and water as well.

The fish food you provide is mostly fine and tiny particles with very strong odors that can be readily accepted by roaches.

Hence, the food leftovers are sputtered or sprinkled surrounding the fish tank or afloat the water, resulting in a nice place of attraction for roaches.

Organic Waste

Fish tanks are a good source of organic waste. Since roaches are omnivores and scavengers, these wastes become food for the roaches.

Fish disposals, uneaten foods, decaying plants, and algae surrounding the fish tanks are the primary source of organic waste.

The edges of fish tanks accumulate calcium and decomposing algae, which the roaches can easily access. Roaches are also attracted to the ammonia that fish produce.

Being opportunistic eaters, roaches hang out around the fish tanks, creating an unpleasant sight.

Dark Hiding Spots

Roaches love dark places to hang out. Since most fish tanks are placed on top of shelves near a wall, it creates good hiding spots for roaches.

With other advantages such as food and damp places, roaches also get these hiding spots as an advantage.

Thus, fish tanks become more attractive for roaches.

Can Roaches Harm Fish Tanks?

Roaches are entirely opportunistic by nature. Not only do they wander around the fish tanks but also cause significant harm to fish inside the tank and the surrounding area.

Environmental Contamination

Household roaches are carriers of harmful bacteria, pathogens, parasites, and other microorganisms. These microorganisms are harmful to the fish as they are sensitive and get sick.

Long-term exposure to roaches can lead to compromising fish health or even cause fatalities. Apart from that, roach deposits damage the aquatic health of the fish tank.

Moreover, these droppings inside the water can be lethargic for the fish if they come in contact with them.

Eating Up Resources

Roaches are attracted to fish tanks mostly due to readily available foods. As you sprinkle food inside the tank or on the feeder, roaches start to compete with the fish.

It results in roaches eating up the fish foods, algae, and other organic matter from the tank. Hence, your pet fish gets deprived of the nutrients they require and get seriously ill after a while.

Physical Damage To The Fish Tanks

Roaches are natural scavengers. They chew on literally everything. Hence, the silicone seals of the fish tanks, electrical cords, and other amenities in the vicinity of the fish tank are exposed to potential damage by the roaches.

Ruining The Aesthetics

Fish tanks with clear water and colorful fishes radiate a sense of purity and a pleasant environment. Roaches around fish tanks ruin the aesthetics of the setup completely.

These crawling creatures create a disgusted, unhygienic, and unsightly environment that impacts directly upon the aesthetics it was supposed to demonstrate.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Water Tanks?

Knowing the damage roaches can cause to your fish tanks you won’t be wanting to get sight of these nasty bugs nearby. However, if you had a glance at roach colony in your fish tank, the following remedy can help you get rid of them.

Remove Existing Roaches

Before getting into more serious actions, it is better to remove some roaches nearby physically.

You can use silicone hand gloves to grab and throw the roaches from inside the fish tank.

A portable blow torch can also be used to drive the roaches away temporarily from the fish tanks.

Change The Water Immediately

If you find roaches inside the tank, it’s time to drain and change the water as soon as possible.

Create a temporary tank for the fish and drain all of the existing water from the main fish tank. Refill the fish tank with clean & fresh water.

Use Bug Bombs or Fogger

If your fish tank is infested by a large number of roaches then bug bombs might help you get rid of them.

However, before applying the bug bomb or fogger go through the manual and safety precautions.

Seal up the entire fish tank using plastic wrap, turn off the filter, and cover every hole before triggering the bug bomb.

For immediate results, an alternative bug spray can also be used to exterminate the roaches.

Tips To Prevent Roaches From Getting To Fish Tanks

Getting rid of roaches from the fish tanks requires long-term planning and execution. Check out the following tips.

  • Regularly clean up the fish tank and perform a water change
  • Do not spill water or fish food around the fish tank while feeding them
  • Keep the surrounding of the fish tank dry, clean, and well perfumed
  • Use Boric acid perimeter around the fish tank
  • Keep the fish tank in a well-lit area and away from the darkness
  • Keep the fish food well-wrapped and away from the fish tank


For more information and a better understanding of roaches and fish tanks, go through the following answered questions.

Can roaches be attracted to water?

Roaches are drawn to water and moisture because they need them to survive. They may infest places around water leaks, sitting water, or damp surroundings since they are frequently attracted to water sources.

Does spraying water kill cockroaches?

Cockroaches cannot be effectively exterminated by water spraying solely. Water may only have a short-term impact on them or slow them down. However, spraying soapy water or water mixed with detergent can kill the roaches.

What smell will keep cockroaches away?

Certain fragrances, such as essential oils like lavender or mint, repel cockroaches. They can also be repelled by other odors, including citrus, cucumber, and bay leaves. These fragrances may prevent cockroaches from residing in an area by placing them there.

Final Words

Lastly, it can be said that roaches are actively attracted by fish tanks because of food, water, and the environment.

It is important for you take into account the provided preventative measures since it damages the fish tank’s attractive appearance and harms the fish.

As a last resort, it is recommended to seek service from a professional pest control team for an effective and permanent result.