Do Goldfish Have Tongues?

Goldfish do not have tongues. Instead, they have a bony structure in their mouth called a basihyal, which resembles a tongue and lies along the bottom of the mouth.

Goldfish, like many other fish species, do not have tongues. Instead, they have a bony structure called a basihyal, which serves a similar purpose as a tongue by lying along the bottom of their mouth. This basihyal helps in the movement of food and aids in the process of swallowing.

While mammal tongues are muscular and used for tasting, chewing, and swallowing, goldfish rely on their basihyal to perform these functions.

So, while goldfish may not have a tongue in the traditional sense, they have a specialized structure that serves a similar purpose.

Anatomy Of A Goldfish Mouth And Tongue

Do goldfish have tongues? Many fish species have tongues, but they are not like mammal tongues.

Mammals have muscular tongues for tasting, chewing, and swallowing, while a fish’s tongue is a bony structure that protects the ventral aorta. Fish also have teeth, although their positions and functions vary.

Some fish, like cyprinids, have pharyngeal teeth that grind vegetarian food.

Additionally, the function of a fish’s tongue is to quickly transport food into and through the mouth, where extra sets of jaws grind the food. The tongue also helps move oxygenated water to the gills, aiding in respiration.

Goldfish, for example, do not have tongues like mammals do. Instead, they have a bony structure called a basihyal that resembles a tongue and is located along the bottom of their mouth.

Do Goldfish Have Tongues? Debunking The Myth

Fish, including goldfish, do not have tongues like mammals. They have a bony structure called a basihyal that resembles a tongue and is located at the bottom of their mouths. This structure helps protect the ventral aorta and aids in the transportation of food.

While mammal tongues are muscular and used for tasting, chewing, and swallowing, fish tongues serve a different purpose.

It is important to clarify this misconception and understand the unique characteristics of fish tongues compared to mammal tongues. So, if you’ve ever wondered if goldfish have tongues, the answer is no.

They have a bony structure instead that plays a different role in their anatomy.

How Do Goldfish Eat Without A Tongue?

Interestingly, goldfish do not have tongues like mammals do. Instead, they have a unique bony structure called a basihyal, which lies along the floor of their mouth.

This structure serves to protect the ventral aorta and help with the swallowing process. While goldfish may not have tongues in the traditional sense, they still have methods of eating and enjoying their food.

They use their powerful jaws to chew and grind their food, and their taste buds are located in various parts of their mouth, allowing them to taste and experience flavors.

So, while goldfish may not have tongues, they still have ways to enjoy their meals.


Goldfish are fascinating creatures that have unique anatomical features. When it comes to the question of whether goldfish have tongues, the answer is no. Instead, they have a bony structure in their mouth called a basihyal, which resembles a tongue and lies along the bottom of their mouth.