Does Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

The answer is yes, goldfish will eat mosquito larvae – and almost any other type of small aquatic creature they can fit in their mouths.

One of the most familiar questions people ask about goldfish is whether or not they eat mosquito larvae.

While goldfish are not specifically bred to eat mosquito larvae, they are often used in ponds and lakes to help control mosquito populations. Goldfish are voracious eaters and can quickly clear an area of all small aquatic life.

What do Goldfish Eat?

Goldfish are omnivorous and eat various species of plants and animals. In the wild, goldfish will eat a variety of small creatures, such as insects, crustaceans, and even other fish. They will also nibble on aquatic plants.

However, goldfish kept in aquariums eat pellets or flakes that are explicitly designed for them. But you can also feed your goldfish frozen or live foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and vegetables.

Can Goldfish Survive on Mosquito Larvae?

While goldfish can eat various foods, mosquito larvae are one type of food that goldfish can survive on. Mosquito larvae are a good source of protein and other nutrients that goldfish need to stay healthy.

Impressively, mosquito larvae are safe for this fish type, except they get contaminated by chemical leaks. Such contamination risk can further lead to the death of the fish in extreme cases.

The Benefits of Goldfish Eating Mosquito Larvae

Goldfish are an excellent option for mosquito control as they feed on them, and the larvae, in turn, serve as an excellent nutrient source for this fish. With that in mind, goldfish get the following benefits from eating larvae.

  • Goldfish benefit from the fiber, crude fats, and proteins packed in mosquito larvae, which help them grow to their maximum potential.
  • When goldfish are not in the wild, their primary food source is flakes and pellets, and not all of these fishes enjoy such grub. Nevertheless, live foods like mosquito larvae seem palatable to goldfish and emerge as a suitable option when all others fail.
  • Goldfish find mosquito larvae easy to eat and tasty, and these fish species are less likely to refuse them.

The Pitfalls of Goldfish Eating Mosquito Larvae

Although goldfish-eating mosquito larvae may seem harmless, there are some dangers associated with this practice.

Firstly, it is common for goldfish to overeat this food since they are significantly like mosquito larvae. And this can easily lead to some digestive issues.

Goldfish require a moderate amount of proteins, and the excess protein from overeating mosquito larvae wouldn’t do them much good.

Another issue lies in the risk of chemical contamination.

But, you can scale through this issue by sourcing mosquito larvae from trusted sources and cultivating them free from harmful chemicals.


Freshwater fish like goldfish are popularly kept as pets. A healthy diet remains one essential thing goldfish require to survive.

Does goldfish eat mosquito larvae? Yes! Goldfish’s protein and other nutrients to stay healthy can be found in mosquito larvae. This article should inform you more about goldfish eating mosquito larvae.