How to Feed Multiple Fish in One Tank? The Essential Guide

Try Placing the food in one corner for the fast fish and then in the other for the slower fish. Also, you can try feeding across the water surface to prevent overcrowding of aggressive fish in one place.

In addition, feed food that fast or aggressive fish avoid. Sometimes, you can pre-soak the food ideal for a particular fish and place it directly on the fish.

These are useful steps you can take to ensure all fish have access to food. While Feeding multiple fish in an aquarium might be challenging for many, this challenge is pretty easy to overcome. No worries; for more useful tips and guidance, keep reading!

Common Challenges While Feeding Multiple Fish

Not all fish are the same, or they have the same food preferences and behaviors. Some of them love to hang around happily, while others love to pinch them.

So when you feed multiple fish in a tank, there are some challenges you need to take into account. Let’s explore each of them.

Fish Temperament

All fish do not have the same temperament. Some of them are aggressive and territorial, while some are friendly. Just as they have different temperaments, so do their approaches when you feed them.

Dominant fish grab anything you put inside the tank, and they don’t care about other tankmates. Fortunately, these challenges can be avoided by following some tips, which we will describe later.

Food Requirements

Different fish require different foods to thrive. The dietary needs of carnivores are not the same as those of omnivores. So it is challenging to maintain the diet needs of particular fish in a multiple fish tank.

Different Types of FoodZone of Feeding
Flakes, Sticks, pellets, and moreSurface of the Tank
Granullas, Adhesive, ChipsMiddle Of the tank
Adhesive tablets, sinking tabletsBottom  of the tank

Size of the Fish

Not all of the fish in the tank are the same width and length. Some are old and experienced, and some you might have just added and are less experienced.

Size disparity plays a crucial role in uneven access to food. One major challenge when you feed multiple fish in a tank is that big fish have more appetite and do not allow small fish to participate.

Feeding Zone

Some fish love to hang around at the bottom, or, say, are bottom dwellers, while others love to take food from the surface, and some prefer to feed in the middle. It might be a bit challenging to feed them equally.

How To Feed Multiple Fish In One Tank?

As you know, feeding multiple fish in a tank requires you to follow guidelines, learning challenges and how to deal with them, so feeding multiple fish is no longer an issue. Let’s explore the solutions.

Feed Multiple Fish In One Tank

Try Distributing The food Properly

Some fish are fast, so they will grab the food first, but fast fish are small, so they may not outcompete the bigger fish.

However, some fish are fast and large enough to out-compete any other fish in the tank. So they are a bit difficult to handle.

One of the best and easiest ways to deal with the fast fish is to try feeding the food at one corner for the fast fish and then the other for the slower fish.

If the fish are aggressive in nature, try feeding across the water surface, it might prevent overcrowding of aggressive fish in one place.

Target feeding Using Turkey Baster

Some fish have a special preference. In such a case, you can modify their food and deliver it directly to the fish.

For example, pre-soaking the food in the water and then delivering it directly to the fish is a good way.

First, place some floating pallets in one corner so fast and aggressive food aggregate there, then place the pre-soak or modified food in another corner using a turkey baster.

Distributing food in this way separates two groups in a way that allows all fish to access their food equally.

Feed Food That Fast fish Do not like

This is another good way to make sure all the fish get food. Some foods are less appealing to fast and aggressive fish, like providing blanched vegetables to the snails, so meat eaters are less likely to touch them.

This allows timid fish to take advantage of opportunities without being bothered by fast fish.

Therefore, choose different flakes, palettes, and dry food varieties that fast fish will find less appetizing and less likely to pursue.

Time of feeding

Some fish eat at night or when the light is off. If your aquarium has nocturnal fish, try feeding them at night or at least switch off the light. In this way, day eaters will be less likely to interfere with them.

Place the food Under something

If your aquarium has plants or wood or any other elements, then there might be some fish that live there or hang around this particular area. Some fish are so big that they may not fit into this place.

In such cases, place food in this particular area. Some aquarists suggest using PVC pipe to place the food.


Hopefully, by now, much of your curiosity regarding feeding multiple fish in a tank has disappeared. Still, you might have some relevant questions. Here are some FAQs that you might want to know.

How often and How Much Should you feed your Fish

It entirely depends on the types of fish. Some fish require food two times a day, while for some single meal is enough. If the fish is young, it may take food 3 times a day.

What to Do If some fish are too much Dominant

Removing them is obviously not an ideal solution. You need to follow the technique described earlier. In most cases, allocating the food around the tank or using a feeding station can be an effective strategy.

How to be ensured All fish Get their Fair Share of Food

If fish are hungry, their behavior will change, like digging on the substrate or waiting on the surface. So after feeding them, if some fish remain sluggish or show the above-mentioned behavior, that means they did not get their fair share of food.

How Should I know Some fish are eating More

The food that you give them should be consumed within 2-3 minutes. If it is not consumed properly or there is some leftover food. It means some fish are getting more food. The other signs include elevated ammonia and nitrate.

Final Words

There you have it. Feeding multiple fish in a tank can be challenging if you do not know the proper way. Learning about them is absolutely necessary because more variation increases the aesthetic of the aquarium.

Also, removing the fast and aggressive fish is not more effective than tricking them by placing the food at one end and then at the opposite end so all get their fair share.