Why is my fish tank cloudy? Causes and Solutions

The main reasons for your fish tank being cloudy include poor water quality due to high levels of organic waste, which can lead to bacterial blooms; inadequate water changes; too many fish in the tank, inadequate filtration; and a few other minor reasons.

To deal with the issue, proper measures need to be taken in time. You can do simple things like change the water and add filtration to fix it.. Let’s discover, in brief, what you can do.

Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy? 8 Possible Reasons & Solutions

As mentioned earlier, fish tanks can be cloudy for many reasons. The reasons range from a lack of proper maintenance to many things that you might’ve been ignoring. Here are a few things that fuel the problem:

1. New Tank Set Up

This is one of the common reasons for a cloudy water tank. A new tank may go through the nitrogen cycle, which may cause bacterial colonization. The colonization initially causes ammonia spikes and bacterial blooms that cloud the water.

The bacterial bloom that clouds the water can reduce the oxygen level in the tank. This may cause the fish to remain in an unhealthy environment. The high level of ammonia is also unhealthy for the fish.


The first solution to this problem is to cycle the tank once it’s set up properly. Doing so will prevent bacterial growth and establish a stable nitrogen cycle.

Besides, proper filtration processes and using supplements also help to avoid this.

2. Inadequate Water Changes

If you don’t change your tank water often, it may lead to cloudiness after a while. The toxin buildup in the old water clouds the tank and creates an unhealthy atmosphere for the fish.

It also accumulates organic waste and increases the level of ammonia in the water.


Preventing this is as easy as routinely changing the tank’s water. You can change the tank’s water once a week to avoid this problem.

However, you might need to change the water more frequently if the tank is large and has multiple fish.

3. Overfeeding Your Fish

This is another issue that works behind the cloudy water. If you give too much food compared to the number of fish, the uneaten food remains there and gets decomposed.

This way, it leaves organic waste and leftover nutrients in the water. As a result, the high levels of ammonia and nitrate leave the water cloudy.


You can avoid this through regular water cleaning, as monitoring the food level is not always possible.

However, you can make some extra effort to notice your fish’s food habits and provide food accordingly.

4. Too Many Fish

Having way too many fish in one tank can increase the level of cloudiness in the water. Those fish will leave organic waste in the water, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Besides, overcrowding with fish messes up the tank’s filtration.


You need to keep a minimal number of fish in a tank, depending on the tank’s size. Don’t overcrowd a small tank and try to fit too many fish in there.

You can follow the rules for the number of fish you can keep in one liter of water.

5. Substrate Disturbance

The material that is in the bottom of your tank can get stirred up and mess up the whole tank. When those substrates cover the tank, the fine particles make it look cloudy. It can happen while cleaning, or even if your fish dig through them.


There’s not so much that you can do if it’s caused by the fish. But being careful while cleaning the tank so the substrate doesn’t get messed up is something to remember. You can use extra caution while adding any new fish so as not to disturb the substrate.

6. Insufficient Oxygen Level

When the oxygen level in your tank is low, it stresses the fish and affects their immune system. Thus, it makes the environment suitable for bacterial growth. We all understand that bacterial growth is one of the primary reasons for tank water cloudiness.

Another thing is, when you have too many fish in the tank, it causes a limited surface area for gas exchange. As a result, it creates an imbalance in the tank and lowers the oxygen level.


The solution to this is to provide enough water in the tank and use a functional air pump, depending on the size of your tank. Filtration is also necessary. Also, you can add additional air stones to increase oxygen exchange.

7. Inadequate Filtration

Filtration is an important thing to remember while using a water tank. When it’s insufficient considering the size and number of fish, it will fail to clean the water. As a result, the remaining particles will create cloudiness in the tank.


To solve this issue, you need to use a proper filtration system that matches your tank’s size and fish count. Besides, check if your filter system is working properly or not. Regular maintenance of the water filter is vital if you want to avoid cloudiness caused by it.

8. Leaving A Dead Fish

Fish death is common in fish tanks, but no matter how hard it is, you need to clean it immediately. When the dead fish’s body starts to decompose, it releases harmful substances and particles that cloud the water.


The best thing to do in this case is to remove the dead fish immediately. After that, you need to clean the water thoroughly, including the ank. If possible, check the ammonia and nitrite levels of the water to keep the environment healthy for other fish.

Identifying The Type Of Cloudiness In Fish Tank

There are three types of water tank cloudiness that we have witnessed. You will commonly see the following:

Green Water Cloudiness

This cloudiness leaves a greenish color in the tank’s water. You will notice a dull green covering the whole tank. Your tank might have the tint of a pea, while it becomes hard to see the fish.

The main reason behind this type of cloudiness is algae and bacterial growth. Besides, excessive light, poor water circulation can also contribute to it.


The way to deal with this is to clean the water. You need to add proper filtration so the water remains safe from floating algae.

Brown Cloudiness:

In this case, the water looks like milk tea or is brownish. At first glance, you might think that the water is dirty, but it’s not.

The reason behind brown cloudiness is the tannins released from driftwood, catappa leaves, or decaying plants. It usually occurs when you place them in the tank.


The only way to deal with this is to remove the material. While adding new driftwood, soak or boil it to remove the tannins beforehand.

White Cloudiness

This is the most common type that makes the water actually look cloudy. You will notice hazy water, which some people also refer to as milky.

The reason behind this is excess fish food, fish waste, or small particles. Improper filtration and late water changes can cause this problem.


To solve this cloudiness, you need to stop overfeeding your fish. Besides, ensure proper maintenance and filtration of the tank to keep the water healthy.

Additional Tips And Tricks For Preventing Cloudy Water

A cloudy tank is not only difficult to clean, but it’s also unhealthy for fish. Although it might affect the fish right away, over time, your fish may even die due to the high levels of toxins. So, here are a few tips to use as prevention:

  • Regular maintenance is a must if you want to prevent tank water cloudiness. Change the water once a week to keep the environment healthy.
  • Don’t overfeed your fish. Keep the amount healthy so they leave no food to decompose.
  • Don’t put too many fish into a tank that’s small in size. Always consider the tank’s size while adding fish to it.
  • Use proper filtration in the tank so it remains clean all the time. Also, buy a good air pump so the oxygen level never drops.
  • Without using too much artificial decorative stuff, use natural plants. They help to soak up the toxins and provide more oxygen in the tank.
  • Don’t use any chemicals in the water tank. If you do, make sure to change the water before you put your fish in there.


A cloudy water tank might not be that big of a deal, but knowing a bit more never hurts. So, here are a few additions to the problem!

Will a cloudy fish tank hurt my fish?

Slightly cloudy water may not hurt your fish immediately, although the environment is not healthy for them. However, if you leave it untreated for too long, it will harm your fish.

How do I make my aquarium water crystal clear?

Using good filtration is the best way to make your aquarium water crystal clear. Also, you have to maintain regular water changes and add more natural plants.

Does cloudy water mean ammonia?

No, only ammonia’s presence doesn’t mean cloudy water. It is an addition to the problem caused by poor water quality, improper filtration, and many other factors.

Can too much light make a fish tank cloudy?

Yes, excessive light causes green water cloudiness as it enhances algae production. You need to maintain the balance of lighting to keep the tank fresh.

Final Words

So there you have it. Your water tank can be cloudy due to various reasons, but they are not unsolvable. So, you can take the necessary measures to stop the cloudiness while making the tank healthy for your fish. Last but not least, make sure you are taking good care of them.