How Big Can Goldfish Get?

Goldfish can grow up to 12 inches in length (In an aquarium) but it is reported to be 15 inches long in UK. And another goldfish in the wild was reported to be 14 inches long.

Some goldfish owners may wonder how big these fish can actually get. The short answer is that goldfish can grow up to 12 inches in length, although this depends on the species and various other factors such as diet and living conditions.

While some goldfish, such as the common comet goldfish, are known to grow quite large, others, like the dwarf goldfish, are much smaller.

How big is the biggest goldfish ever?

A pet goldfish (in aquarium) in the UK was reported to be 15 inches long! Thats Huge.

Another goldfish in the wild was reported to be 14 inches long. (pictured below)

Courtesy: Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper

And the biggest goldfish ever recorded 18.7 inches! (official world record)

NOTE: To grow your goldfish proper in size, I suggest you guys to buy larger aquariums if possible and provide nutritional feed. As you notice, any fish can get plenty of space and food in the wild.

Factors That Affect Goldfish Size

Goldfish, one of the most popular pets worldwide, come in various sizes and shapes. Their unique shape and color attract pet owners who love aquatic animals.

Many factors can affect a goldfish’s size, which are explained below:

Genetic Factors

Goldfish come in different breeds with varying growth rates. Some breeds grow faster and bigger than others. The genetic makeup of a goldfish determines its maximum size and growth rate. Breeders try to maximize the growth potential of goldfish by cross-breeding different breeds.

The genetic factors that contribute to goldfish size include the following:

  • The maximum size potential of each breed. For example, the oranda breed can grow up to nine inches, while the common goldfish can grow up to 12 inches.
  • The growth rate of each breed varies. Some breeds grow faster than others. As a result, it’s essential to research the breed of goldfish to know the growth rate and maximum size potential.

Environmental Factors

The environment in which the goldfish lives also plays a vital role in its size. Goldfish thrive in temperature-controlled water with sufficient space to swim and grow. Poor living conditions, such as overcrowding and unclean water, can significantly impact their growth rate.

The environmental factors that contribute to goldfish size include the following:

  • The water temperature should be maintained between 68 – 72°f. Hence, a heater or chiller should be used to maintain the temperature.
  • The water should be clean and well aerated. This helps in increasing the oxygen level. Water changes should be done every week, about 20-25%.
  • The size of the tank plays a crucial role in their growth rate. Goldfish thrive in a spacious environment with plenty of room to swim around.

Size Of The Fish Tank

The size of the fish tank is also a vital factor that directly influences a goldfish’s size. Smaller tanks can stunt a goldfish’s growth, while larger tanks provide ample space for them to grow.

The following factors play a role in the size of the fish tank:

  • The size of the tank should be proportional to the number of goldfish. As a rule of thumb, each goldfish requires 20 gallons of water.
  • Aeration is necessary for keeping the water oxygenated and circulated. An air pump and filtration system can be added to ensure the water stays clean.

Type And Quality Of Food

Goldfish are omnivorous and enjoy eating a variety of foods. However, the type and quality of food directly impact their growth rate.

The following points need to be considered when feeding goldfish:

  • Feed them high-quality food with protein, vitamins, and minerals they need to grow. Flakes, pellets, and live foods are suitable for goldfish.
  • Avoid overfeeding goldfish because uneaten food can lead to poor water quality and stunted growth.

Other Factors Affecting The Growth Of Goldfish

There are other factors which can affect the growth rate of goldfish. These include:

  • Stress, as this has a negative impact on their growth
  • Water chemistry, particularly the ph levels
  • The presence of diseases or parasites that can lead to stunted growth

Goldfish are an enjoyable pet to keep, and their growth and size are determined by multiple factors, including genetic and environmental factors.

Ensure you’re providing optimal living conditions, high-quality food, and monitoring their growth rate to keep them healthy and thriving.

Different Types Of Goldfish And Their Average Size

Goldfish are tiny creatures that are loved by many hobbyists around the world. While they are one of the most popular species of fish, many people don’t know the different types of goldfish and their sizes.

We will explore six common types of goldfish and their average sizes.

Common Goldfish

The common goldfish, also known as the comet goldfish, is one of the most popular species of goldfish. They are hardy and easy to care for, which makes them suitable for beginners. These fish are typically orange, red, or white in color and have a streamlined body shape.

  • These fish grow up to 8 to 12 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to one pound.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Comet Goldfish

The comet goldfish is similar to the common goldfish, but with a longer, more slender body shape. They are a popular choice for outdoor ponds due to their hardiness. These fish typically come in variations of orange, red, yellow, and white color.

  • These fish grow up to 9 to 10 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to half a pound.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Shubunkin Goldfish

The shubunkin goldfish is a beautiful fish that is native to japan. They come in various color variations, including white, black, orange, and blue. These fish are hardy and easy to care for, which makes them perfect for beginners.

  • These fish grow up to 7 to 10 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to half a pound.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Fantail Goldfish

The fantail goldfish is one of the most popular and recognizable species of goldfish. These fish are characterized by their fan-shaped tails and plump, round bodies. They come in various colors, including orange, red, white, and black.

  • These fish grow up to 6 to 8 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to 2 ounces.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Oranda Goldfish

The oranda goldfish is an elegant and graceful fish with a unique head growth, also known as a wen. They come in various colors including white, red, orange, blue and black. They are often kept in aquariums due to their delicate nature.

  • These fish grow up to 7 to 9 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to 1 pound.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Ryukin Goldfish

The ryukin goldfish is another popular species of goldfish characterized by its humpback and pointed fins. They come in various colors including orange, red, white, blue, and black. They are often kept in aquariums due to their fancy appearance.

  • These fish grow up to 8 to 10 inches in length.
  • They can weigh up to half a pound.
  • Males are typically smaller than females.

Goldfish are fascinating creatures that come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. By understanding the different types and varieties, you can make informed decisions about the ideal fish for your aquarium or outdoor pond.

Importance Of Measuring Your Goldfish

Measuring your goldfish is crucial for maintaining a healthy aquarium environment. A cramped tank can lead to stunted growth and health complications. By measuring your goldfish regularly, you can monitor their growth and ensure that they have sufficient space to thrive.

Measuring Tools

Before measuring your goldfish, you’ll need some tools. Here are a few measuring tools that are commonly used in the aquarist community:

  • Ruler or tape measure: This is the easiest and most common tool used to measure goldfish. Make sure to use a soft and flexible tape measure, as goldfish are delicate and can easily hurt themselves.
  • Calipers: Calipers are a bit more advanced than a ruler. They are used to measure the body depth and width of goldfish accurately.
  • Weight scale: If you want to measure your goldfish’s weight accurately, a weight scale is essential. Make sure to choose one that can handle the weight of your goldfish.

Techniques For Measuring Your Goldfish

Now that you have your measuring tools, let’s move on to the techniques for measuring your goldfish. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Choose a calm and quiet environment to measure your goldfish. Loud noises or sudden movements can scare them.
  • Take your goldfish out of the water before measuring them. They can easily wiggle away if measured in the water.
  • Hold your goldfish gently and avoid squeezing them or applying too much pressure.
  • Use your measuring tool to measure your goldfish from snout to tail. Remember to measure length, height, and weight.

Measuring your goldfish is essential for maintaining their health and well-being. By using the right tools and techniques, you can accurately measure your goldfish’s length, weight, and height. Now that you know how to measure your goldfish, you’ll be able to monitor their growth and make sure they have sufficient space to thrive.

How To Promote Goldfish Growth And Health?

  • Ideal Water Conditions For Goldfish such as pH
  • Ideal Water Temperature between 68-72°f
  • Proper Feeding
  • Cleaning The Fish Tank
  • Avoiding Over-Crowding
  • Provide plenty of hiding places and decorations in your tank
  • Keep the tank in a quiet, low-traffic area of your home to help reduce stress on your goldfish.
  • Monitor your goldfish regularly for signs of illness or distress

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Goldfish Live As Pets?

Goldfish have an average lifespan of up to 5 years, but some can even live up to 10 years with proper care.

How Much Should I Feed My Goldfish?

Feed your goldfish with flakes or pellets once or twice a day, giving them a small amount of food that they can eat within two minutes.

Can Goldfish Grow To The Size Of The Tank?

If you keep a goldfish in a small tank, it will not stop growing and can develop health issues. The size of the tank should correlate with the size of the fish.

Do Goldfish Need A Special Diet To Grow Bigger?

Specific diets can aid in their growth and development, but the main factor is the size of their tank, quality of water, and overall care. A healthy environment promotes growth.


It is truly fascinating to learn about the possible sizes of goldfish. These little creatures can grow to be quite substantial in size, with some reaching lengths of over a foot long! While the environment and care they receive can play a role in their growth potential, genetics also play a significant role.

The different breeds of goldfish can vary greatly in their maximum size, making it essential to do some research before selecting a new pet. Remember to provide your goldfish with adequate space and care, and keep an eye on their growth to ensure they are healthy and thriving.