How to Train Your Goldfish to Do Tricks? 3 Easy Ways Explained

Goldfish are one of the most popular pets in the world. They’re easy to care for and can provide hours of enjoyment as you watch them swim around in their tank.

But did you know that goldfish are also trainable? With a little patience and some tasty treats, you can teach your goldfish to do all sorts of fun tricks!

How to Train Your Fish?

The first step in training your fish is to choose a suitable reward. Fish are motivated by food, so offer them a small piece of their favorite treat every time they successfully perform a trick.

Once you’ve selected a reward, it’s time to start training!

One of the easiest tricks to teach your fish is swimming through a hoop. To do this, simply hold a hoop up to the side of the tank and wait for your fish to swim through it. As soon as they do, give them their reward.

With enough practice, your fish will learn that swimming through the hoop results in a tasty treat, and they’ll start doing it on their own!

Another fun trick is swimming through an obstacle course. You can create an obstacle course by placing objects like plastic balls or PVC pipes in the tank for your fish to swim around.

As with the hoop trick, be sure to give your fish a treat whenever they successfully navigate the course. With enough practice, they’ll be swimming through the course like pros!

How to Train Your Goldfish to Do Tricks?

Everyone knows that goldfish have a notoriously short memory span. In fact, the popular saying “you could train a goldfish to do tricks”” is based on this very principle.

But did you know that there are actually ways to train your goldfish? With a little patience and some tasty treats, you can teach your goldfish to perform all sorts of tricks!

Hand-Feeding Your Goldfish

One of the easiest ways to train your goldfish is to hand-feed them. To do this, simply wait until your goldfish comes up to the surface of the water and then offer them a small piece of food. Once they start eating, gently cup your hand around their mouth so they can’t swim away.

After a few days of doing this, your goldfish will start to associate your hand with food and they’ll come up to the surface whenever they see you.

Teaching Your Goldfish to Follow a Target

Another easy trick you can teach your goldfish is to follow a target. To do this, simply hold a small object (like a piece of food or a toy) in front of their nose and then slowly move it away.

As long as you keep moving the object, your goldfish will follow it. You can even use this trick to get them to swim through hoops!

Training Your Goldfish to Jump a Hoop

The last trick we’ll cover is how to train your goldfish to jump through a hoop. To do this, simply hold the hoop above the water’s surface and wait for your goldfish to swim under it.

Once they’re under the hoop, quickly lower it so they have to jump through it to get back into the water.

With enough practice, your goldfish will be able to jump through hoops on command!


Training your goldfish can be a fun way to bond with your pet and watch them show off their newly learned tricks.

And there’s no need to worry if you don’t have any experience in training animals; goldfish are very easy to train!

With a little patience and some tasty treats, you’ll have your goldfish performing all sorts of fun tricks in no time!”