Where To Put Ceramic Rings In Aquarium: A Quick Guide

Ceramic rings should be placed between mechanical filtration and chemical media. There are aquariums in which you’ll have a separate chamber for putting these rings. The primary focus should be the rings getting in contact with water.

Getting the most out of the bio-media is crucial, which can be ensured through proper placement. Let us take you through a detailed discussion about the appropriate ceramic ring placement in your aquarium.

An Overview Of Ceramic Rings For Aquariums

Ceramic rings are a type of bio ring that are like beads and come with many pores on their surface, which aren’t always visible. You’ll find them available in multiple colors, predominantly white, but grey and brown are also notable.

These rings come with a central hole that goes through the entire ring, which means that water also passes through the ring. That said, these rings are like a home to the bacteria that can benefit the habitat inside your aquarium.

Keeping track of the nitrogen cycle in your aquarium is essential. The nitrates must be eradicated, which is only possible by certain beneficial bacteria. As a result, the fishes inside your aquarium don’t die due to toxic elements of nitrates.

The ceramic rings provide a shelter or surface for these helpful bacteria. Tiny pores in this ring that may not be visible to your eyes are like the home to these bacteria.

However, remember that the rings don’t ensure nitrate-consuming bacteria in your fish tank. When you ensure the proper cycling of the fish tank, these bacteria eventually mature in the pores of the rings.

Where Must You Put Ceramic Rings In An Aquarium?

Placement of ceramic rings in the aquarium should be appropriate, or beneficial bacteria can’t thrive. You can put ceramic rings in the filter or fish tank.

Let us discuss more about this in the section below:

Putting Ceramic Rings On The Filter

Compartments or trays in the aquarium filter are dedicated to bio media. You can place bio media like ceramic rings in such trays.

The process here would be to place the rings on a tray placed after the compartment for mechanical media. It is because biological filtration will occur after the mechanical filtration of water.

It confirms the removal of fish waste and decreases the chances of ceramic rings getting jammed.

Therefore, always check the water flow in the aquarium because it will flow through the mechanical compartment first. It will help you identify the tray for biological media where you put ceramic rings.

Putting Ceramic Rings On The Fish Tank

You can also put the ceramic rings directly into the tank water of your aquarium. For this, you must need a bag to ensure it settles well in the aquarium bed.

Remember dropping the bag randomly in the aquarium won’t be helpful. Instead, ensure the bag settles where water flows adequately through the bio rings. The maximum water flow means your aquarium will get the best from useful bacteria.

Putting Ceramic Rings On Sump Setup

You can also use the compartments of the sump to place the ceramic rings. Putting the rings in a mesh bag and the desired place is better here. Lastly, ensure water flow to the rings for the best outcome.

How To Use The Ceramic Rings In Your Aquarium?

Proper usage is essential for ceramic rings to yield a better outcome. We are adding the accurate procedure to use these bio media rings in the section below;

  • Initially rinse the ceramic rings in the water, or else dusts will cloud up your fish tank
  • Put the ceramic rings in the mesh bag and place them above the filter sponge
  • Keep the rings always sunken underwater, and don’t let them get dried up
  • If not put into the filter, always place them nearby, as the rings need adequate water flow

Procedure To Maintain The Effectiveness Of Ceramic Rings

The effectiveness of the ceramic rings entirely depends on the dirt accumulation on those. Dirt clogs up and traps the rings’ holes, making those inefficient.

The debris and fish wastes taking over the rings are detrimental to the entire ecosystem in the aquarium. That is why cleaning the ceramic rings is necessary to maintain their effectiveness.

The process isn’t complex at all, as it would require minimum effort. You would need a small bucket in which you have to add dechlorinated water.

Whirl the water and usually make the clogged debris released from the ring’s holes. However, you can’t expect the rings to be white like before.

Forcibly cleaning them white would result in cleaning the bacteria, which won’t be the desired outcome. Replace the rings only when the effectiveness isn’t visible on the fish tank.

How Many Ceramic Rings Can You Use In Your Aquarium?

The number of ceramic rings you can use in your aquarium depends on the size of the aquarium and the filter used in it. These rings aren’t harmful to the fish, so there aren’t any actual numbers.

But keep in mind that these rings shouldn’t be an obstruction to the fish in the tank. There needs to be enough room for the fish to move around. So, place the rings accordingly, considering the size of the fish tank.


Using ceramic rings in your aquarium may bring a lot of queries to your mind. We have answered a few below to address this situation.

How often should you replace ceramic rings?

The timeframe for replacing ceramic rings in your aquarium depends on how well you ensured maintenance. Usually, you should replace most ceramic rings after six months of usage, but it can be lower if the rings aren’t appropriately cleaned.

Do ceramic rings increase the pH in the aquarium water?

The pH in aquarium water isn’t affected by the ceramic rings. It is a harboring place for beneficial bacteria to grow and refresh the water.

Should ceramic rings always be submerged in water?

Ceramic rings must always be underwater or in wet condition. Or else the bacteria in them would die due to dryness.

Are ceramic rings better than bio balls in aquariums?

Ceramic rings are a better prospect for hosting more beneficial bacteria than bio-balls. These rings are suitable for denitrification and are highly effective in canister filters.

Final Thoughts

Caring about the aquarium’s fish health and aquatic condition is always crucial. Wastes from food and fish excretion can lead to adversities and algae formation.

Ceramic rings are an excellent remedy to all these things but must be appropriately used for the best outcome. We recommend you use the rings in the filter compartment for the best result.

Hopefully, you won’t be disappointed in keeping your aquarium healthy for the habitat inside.