Will Aquarium Plants Grow Under LED Lights?

Different aquarium plants require varying light spectrums and intensities. And Definitely, LED light is better suited for the growth of most aquarium plants compared to other types of lighting. It is designed to emit an ideal light spectrum (3000k -6000k) and intensity (.25w-1w) for plant growth and thriving ecosystems.

Any other light source, like Incandescent, on the other hand, is an old practice that produces too much heat and impacts water temperature.

Plants under LED are more efficient at removing carbon dioxide than those under incandescent or fluorescent lighting. Keep reading to find more on plant growth and LED light.

What Lighting Parameters to Consider for Aquarium Plants?

For aquarium plants, you can’t just use any kind of light source; you need to consider several factors. Here are a few major parameters of light for better plant growth.

Spectrum or color of Light

Light spectrum” refers to the color of the light (which includes green, yellow, or red). It is measured in Kelvin. Plants love to absorb red more than green.

The red spectrum, however, is less appealing and aesthetic, which is why aquarium hobbyists often apply a combination of spectrums.

However, which combination increases visual appeal is not an issue when it comes to the growth of the plants, rather, you have to consider the spectrum of light. Usually.

The spectrum for aquatic plants ranges from 6500 k up to 9000 k. On the market, there are many LED lights that offer a spectrum of 10,000 k.

However, it is important to research the spectrum requirements of any particular plant to ensure effective photosynthesis and growth.


Lumen or Light Intensity?

Intensity is the second most important thing to consider for effective plant growth. You can measure the light intensity by the number of lumens typically printed on the packaging.

The number of lumens determines how much light a specific light source produces.

Since the number of lumen requirements varies from plant to plant, you must learn about the light intensity or lumen requirements of your plants.

Here we have categorized plants into easy, medium, and advanced plants and estimated lumens relative to tank size.

Easy Plants10-20 lumens (.25–.50 watts) per liter
Medium Plants20-40 Lumens (.5–.1 watts) per liter
Advanced PlantsMore than 40 Lumens ( 1 watt) per liter

From the table above, you can identify the light intensity. 

  • .25 to.50 watts is considered low-intensity light,
  • .5 to.1 watts is considered medium-intense light,
  • and 1 watt is considered high-intensity light.

Spread Of light

The spread of light, or distribution of light, is another crucial parameter to consider. If the light does not cover the total aquarium surface, then plants outside the surface will grow less or die.

So you need to choose accordingly. Some single LED lights spread only 1 foot, while others are large and may illuminate the entire room;

It specifically depends on the size of your tank. For example, if your aquarium is around 20-24 inches, you need two small or one single LED light to cover the area.

How Is LED Light Beneficial for Aquarium Planting?

How Is LED Light Beneficial for Aquarium Planting?

Light is an important element in aquarium planting. Like all other plants in nature, aquarium plants require light to produce energy that convert light into energy.

The process of converting light into energy is called photosynthesis. During this process, plants absorb light of a specific spectrum.

This light energy, along with ideal intensity, is then used to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into carbohydrates (energy) and oxygen (O2).

So for ideal photosynthesis to take place, light must produce a specific wavelength or spectrum and intensity because plants can be harmed by too little and too much light.

LED is your best option, offering ideal intensity, spectrum, and duration for better plant growth and ecosystem.

Quick LED Facts

  • It can be customized to specific intensity and wavelength to meet the needs of your plants.
  • LED light reach to the substrate of the tank or as long as 24 inches
  • They provide sufficient light while being more energy efficient than incandescent lighting
  • Produce less heat that creates ideal growth condition
  • Require less effort to operate and less expensive
  • You can place them under the water, improving the aesthetic and glowing effect.

Comparison Between Lighting Options for Aquarium Plants Growing

Take a look at the comparison table below. It shows the points of difference between LED and incandescent.

Adjustability to specific spectrum and intensityYesLess
Penetration CapabilityReach as deep as 24 inches12 inches
ExpensiveLess expensive to controlMore Expensive to control
LifespanLonger lifespanLess life span
Energy efficiencyMore energy efficientLess energy efficient
Heat Productionproduce Less heatproduce More heat

Difference Between LED and Fluorescent

Let’s compare LEDs with other popularly used aquarium lights. Not many days ago, fluorescent T5 and T8 were popular aquarium lights before LEDs took their place. Both T5 and T8 are effective, but T5 is better than T8.

LEDs, on the other hand, are energy efficient, require less energy, and have a longer life span.

It is important to note that when it comes to selecting between LED and incandescent, you can safely ignore incandescent.

However, to choose between LED and fluorescent, you can safely choose LED, but sometimes a particular plant may require a slightly more intense light source.

In such a case, fluorescent might be a good choice. So you must decide based on your research.

Light Requirements for Different Aquarium Plants  (Low, Moderate or High Light)

So far, you have learned about different light parameters, how LEDs play a crucial role in the growth of plants, and why you must choose LED over other Aquarium lights.

Now let’s talk about plants with different lighting requirements.

Plants that require Low Light

Low-light plants refer to aquarium plants that require less energy from the light source for photosynthesis. They thrive in various temperatures and can tolerate low to medium light.

These plants include Anubias Barteri, Nana, African Water Fern (Bolbitis heudelotii), Sagittaria, Java Moss, Java Fern

Plants that Require Medium Light

Plants that thrive in low light conditions may also grow fast in moderate light conditions.

Some of the plants that tolerate moderate light include Amazon, which is a broad-leaved species that can tolerate low to medium light. Here are some other examples of low-medium light plants-

  • Cryptocoryne spiralis
  • Cryptocoryne Usteriana
  • Cryptocoryne Balansae
  • Dwarf Sagittaria
  • Bacopa Monnieri

Plants That Require More Light

Some plants need intense light to grow. In some cases, for proper maintenance, they require CO2 injection. Here are some examples of them that requires less maintenance:

  • Java Moss
  • Anubias Barteri
  • Water Wisteria
  • Amazon Frogbit

Tips to Consider When Growing Plants under LED Lights

How long your LED should be on is crucial because too much lighting increases the likelihood of algal growth.

On the other hand, a lighting period that is too brief is detrimental to plant growth. Here are two important tips to follow:

  • Tip 1: Set a timer for 8 hours; aquarium plants don’t need more than 8 hours of light per day for lighting periods.
  • Tip 2: Keep lighting periods brief if your aquarium setup is new to prevent algae growth.

Final Words

There you have it. The final point is that Lighting is crucial for photosynthesis, plant growth, stress-free aquariums, visual appeal, and algae control.

Thus, you must be careful and consider the crucial parameters we discussed earlier. For more clarity and further information, contact with me anytime.